
When our team meets with construction, scaffolding or any other company, one key question is repeatedly asked: “What can the digitised system provide us that paper cannot?” The answer is simple; iPhorms can save you money, time, and lives. To provide context, we have outlined below the importance and functionality of the employee smart hub, and the service we provide.

Many industries, including scaffolding, traditionally relied on paper-based forms to record and track health and safety information. Moving to a digitalised form has the potential to benefit both scaffolding companies and their employees. A key positive of digitising health and safety forms is the improved accuracy and reliability of the information recorded. The bespoke app, tailored to the client’s specifications and requirements can be designed to ensure all required fields are covered with consistent and up-to-date data. The risk of errors and omissions is mitigated, which often has serious consequences if an accident occurred.

We noticed many companies lacked a “clocking in” system, which often costs firms thousands of pounds a year due to employees suggesting they started earlier or finished later than they did. Paper forms used for timesheets often lack thorough details and checks which leaves employers with difficulties. Transforming the business to a digitised system alleviates the stress as workers have to physically “sign in”, taking photographic evidence while the device records the date, time, and precise location of where the employee is clocking in. Many companies have called this a game-changer, and we agree.

Additionally, our system requires employees to physically “sign in” with photographic evidence, mirroring the stringent verification processes implemented by online casinos. These mystake casino employ robust identity verification measures to ensure the security of player accounts, preventing unauthorized access and maintaining a secure online gaming environment.

Digital forms can be accessed and shared more easily than paper-based forms, which helps to improve communication and collaboration between a company and its stakeholders. Forms within a digital system can be shared with supervisors or project managers in real-time, by using a smartphone, iPad, or tablet which allows managers to monitor health and safety performance and identify potential hazards before they become serious.

In addition to saving time and money, our hub helps to reduce the administrative burden. Digital forms can easily be stored and organised electronically which eliminates the need for physical filing and eases retrieving specific documents when needed. This is where we can save your time, freeing up your work schedule to focus on other areas of the business.

Using our employee smart hub and digitising health and safety forms in the scaffolding industry improves accuracy, communication, and efficiency. We help scaffolding companies manage and mitigate risks, ultimately creating a safer working environment for their employees.

Want to know more? Get in touch today!

Contact iPhorms on 01625 464 238